Monday, September 7, 2009

Family Time

We love family time! Last Friday, we had a great day with our children. It was GAME DAY!!!! We prepped them in the week that Friday was family day and that meant NO TV or any other outside distractions. It was time for our family to talk and play with each other. When the kids woke up on Friday, you would have thought that is was Christmas morning. They were super excited for family day. Our day started with a big breakfast. I tried something different. My friend Carmen gave me the recipe for homemade donuts. So, I made 2 dozen homemade donuts. They were yummy. Half were glazed and the other half were cinnamon sugar. I think Krispy Kreme would be envious. lol. Daddy made cheese eggs, fruit, and waffles. YUMMY!!! After breakfast, we pulled out all of our favorite games. While cleaning the kitchen, Daddy turned on the tv to catch ESPN. The kids immediately jumped him and yelled, "NO TV Daddy. It is game day!!!" Daddy laughed and turned off the tv.

Game day was on. We played Uno spin, Chess, Checkers, Wii games, Sequence and PC games. It was a blast!!!! I think I lost everything that I played. lol. We played for hours and talked about silly things, serious things and family future outings. This will be a memory that our children will hold forever.

It is very interesting that at Christmas time, parents overspend to please and tease children with monetary emptiness(or gifts). Now do not get me wrong, we buy our children gifts. However, gifts do not substitute JESUS's birth or the time that we can spend together. Last year, we bought a big family gift to promote more family closeness. I want to prove a point to you. Think back to your childhood and answer this question. What do you remember most? Is it time spent with family or things bought by family? For me and my hubby it is truly time spent with our family. We have countless stories of family events, trips and adventures. When we reference our childhood, we rarely talk about items bought.

I want my children to have vibrant melodic memories that echo off the walls. But, we have to help create them by spending time with them. How much time do you spend with your children playing, talking, and teaching? Each day you are creating memories with them. The question is what kind of memories are you creating. Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. What are you doing to train them. As a psychologist, I go into many homes and see many dsyfuntional families. The one answer that I use in almost every session is spend time with your children. Many maladaptive behaviors cease to exist when parents spend time with their children. There is a direct corrleation with attention seeking behavior and maladaptive behaviors. Children that crave parental attention will seek positive or negative attention at any cost.

We spent absolutely no money for our game day. It was time set apart from the world to shower our children with attention and love. At the end of the day, our twins said that it was the best day of their life. WOW!!!! Comments like that are priceless. Praise God for giving Daddy and I the opportunity to be parents to Alexia, Alonzo, Alyssa, Avery and Autumn. He is a Good GOD!!!!!!


  1. Totally agree!! I realized a couple of years ago that we were drifting into this pattern where we were not spending QUALITY time together as a family. Travis and I both realized, like you and Paul, that the memories we had from our own childhoods was the time spent with our family. We now make a point of eating at the kitchen table every night, with no tv on (this had not been the case and it is much easier for me than Travis to do). We also do Family Game Night and Family Movie Night. Family Movie Night is always a fun idea too. We pick one movie that is appropriate for all. We make homemade pizza (kids pick the toppings), blow up the air mattress on the family room floor, everyone brings their pillows and blankets and then we pop popcorn. The kids never make it through the whole movie, but they love to wake up the next morning with everyone together. These are the things they talk about and remember....

  2. Anna,
    I love your post. You are such a fabulous Mom. I am soooo proud of you cousin. I love the movie night idea. We are going to do that one soon.
