Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Boys Versus Girls

Approximately 9 years ago, I remember sitting in Sunday school and my eyes being opened. My Pastor, Pastor Belton was teaching the class on that day and talked about the nurturing process for children. He indicated that although he has 3 children, he takes time to take each child out individually for one on one time. At the time, we only had one child and I thought that this was a task that I could accomplish. It is only when I fast forward 9 years that I see the true implication of this statement.

The Bible says in Deuteronomy 6:6-9 ,"And these words which I command to you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." This commands us to teach our children in the home and outside of the home, from the morning until night. Our children our watching every step, every breath that we take. My 2 sons love to come home and put on their sweat pants and have a bare chest. Why? It is what Daddy does. My oldest son loves to play chess. Why? It is what Daddy does. My oldest son carries his Bible around with him throughout the house. Why? It is what Daddy does. My girls love to make the house comfortable. Why? It is what Mommy does. My girls love to organize things. Why? I am not sure on that one. lol. It is because Mommy does. The point is that our same sex children are taking their cues from us as to how to become a Lady or a Man. What do they see in you or Who do they see in you? Are your children selfish or selfless? Are your children loving or loveless? We had to examine ourselves and ask these questions.

Last Saturday, we had our typical Girl Day and Boy Day at the White House. We started this about 6 months ago and our kids love it. Once a month on a Saturday, the boys take several hours by themselves and the girls take several hours by ourselves. On this particular Saturday, Paul and the boys went to a baseball game, visited Nana and Papa and then went to a game store. The girls and I stayed in and had a tea party. We played Uno spin and the Wii. It was an awesome time to allow them to experience their parent as a Man or a Woman. We were able to talk about subjects that each may find uncomfortable talking about in front of the opposite sex.

God has given you the charge and responsibility to raise your children. Spending time with them is the best gift that you can give them. You learn so much about them and you also learn how to be a better parent from them. Your mission this week(if you so choose to accept) is to make time for your children. It can be a girls day, boys day or individual time. I leave you with this thought. When your child is your age and he or she looks back at their life, they remember the TIME SPENT with you, more than any trip, gift or token that you could give. As always, Remain united and encouraged.

Love ya'll
Blessed Mommy of 5

1 comment:

  1. Great job. Me and Menya will implement this practice in our lives. I'm out numbered doe 3 to 1. Amesome! I enjoyed it. Your writing style is clear, engaging and drawing. We look forward to more in the future.

    By God's Grace keep up the good work.
